For importers of goods there may be a large time between paying for goods and then receiving payment from your debtor.
Take for example a company importing goods from China that needs to pay the Chinese factory up front. It may take two months for the Chinese to produce and ship goods, then when goods arrive with his customer then another 2 months for the customer to pay. In this case 4 months of working capital is required to fund the business trade cycle.
With a purchase order finance facility we will confirm the order and pay the factory in China on your behalf.
When the goods and are delivered we will pay the purchase order facility by funding your Customers invoice using an invoice finance facility.
The full trade cycle may be funded using purchase order finance with Ignite Business Finance.
Our Loan Calculator is provided as an indicator of affordability only. It is not an exact calculation of what your finance will cost. Please contact us to determine your specific needs and we will provide an accurate quote for your finance requirements.